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Wayne Kobylinski, Ph.D.

Professor Wayne Kobylinski in the classroom.
Chair and Professor
School of Liberal Arts


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) 
English Language and Literature (20th century British and Irish literature focus)
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Master of Arts 
English Language and Literature
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Bachelor of Arts
University of Richmond


Macarons on a plate.
  • Baking
  • Basketball
  • Learning languages
  • Travel
  • Trivia

A Little More

For Kobylinski, or “Dr. K” as most students call him, just about everything is interesting. “The world is full of information, ideas and objects, and there just isn’t enough time available to any individual to take it all in,” he said. “I resent the hours lost to sleep, which I could otherwise be using to read a novel, watch a film, try to make croissants, practice conversational Japanese or do a billion other things that help me explore the richness of the universe.”

Luckily, his profession affords him the opportunity to assist others in that kind of exploration, while at the same time learning from his students. He has been teaching at AACC since 2011, and brings the attitude that everything is worth thinking about to his courses in composition, British literature and world literature.

Kobylinski also serves as academic chair of English and takes a special interest in online learning and educational technology. Students in his courses can expect to take part in open pedagogy, creating wikis on course-related topics and being asked to generate memes that demonstrate their grasp of concepts. He is self-admittedly “extremely online” and makes digital communication the focus of many of his sections of Academic Writing and Research 2 (ENG-102).

Outside the classroom, Professor Kobylinski can often be found exploring international snack foods, trying out new recipes for baked goods and supporting his beloved Philadelphia sports teams and Arsenal Football Club.   


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School of Liberal Arts

Alicia M. Morse, Ph.D., dean


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